Our remarkable portfolio of tea plantations is what makes Mabroc so unique.
From mist-covered mountains to sheltered valleys; from sun kissed hillsides to rolling plains, our tea plantations enjoy a wide range of climate conditions which allows us to produce our extensive range of Premium Ceylon teas. From delicate high grown varieties to the more robust teas at lower elevations.
Just as they have been doing for almost 200 years.
And each one has a story to tell that transcends both world and local events. Some of which have passed into local folklore via ‘story tales’.
In fact, many of our employee’s families can claim to have worked on the same tea plantation for generations.
Which adds further to the strong bonds between us all.
Something we need to have when over 12.5 million Kg is being picked each year from over 9,600 hectares of prime tea plantation land.
It’s this dedication to our collective heritage; this commitment to quality and a true passion for producing the best that’s gained us many prestigious awards over the years and which will continue to drive us forward in the years to come.

Spread out over 13,128 hectares of land, KVPL’s impressive portfolio of plantations include 25 tea gardens (of which 14 are high-grown tea gardens and 11 are low-grown tea gardens) with 8,722 employees producing over 4.08 million kilos of tea in 24 factories, annually.
KVPL produces an impressive selection of premium quality teas with diverse characteristics from three agro-climatic zones. Renowned for the world famous Oliphant Green Tea that is manufactured at the highest elevation, KVPL has carved a name for producing some of the finest green teas of the world. All of the outstanding garden marks like the Lovers Leap, Mahagastota, Inverness and Fordyce are produced in KVPL’s Black Tea Factories.
Having received international recognition and being accredited with HACCP and ISO 22000:2005 certifications, KVPL is also one of the premier tea plantation companies to actively pursue ethical business practices that promote social sustainability. As such, the ‘Home for Every Plantation Worker’ program has received international acclamation for its contribution to uplifting the livelihood of the plantation worker.

With a total cultivation extent of 6,491 hectares, TTEL owns 16 Ceylon tea gardens (4 low-grown and 12 high-grown), producing 6.24 million kilos of tea annually out of 14 tea factories with the help of 5,324 associates. We are proud to say that over 5,777 people call Talawakelle Tea Estates their home.
Having been awarded the prestigious honour of being ranked as the No. 1 producer of Premium Quality Teas at the Colombo Tea Auctions on multiple occasions, TTEL continues to hold consistent quality levels. Producing some of the finest Dimbula marks that include Mattakelle, Somerset, Great Western, Bearwell, Holyrood and many more, TTEL has mastered the art of product differentiation. Further reinforcing its quality standards, the company was awarded the first HACCP Certification along with the first ISO 22000 Food Safety Management Systems Certification. With a strong focus on echo system preservation and societal development, TTEL has installed hydro power plants for clean water along with many other initiatives for providing free healthcare, sanitation and childcare to the plantation sector.

Horana Plantations is a juggernaut of Sri Lanka’s agriculture industry with an indelible presence in the tea and rubber sectors. Its profile consists of 6,579 hectares of estate land dedicated to tea (9 tea gardens, of which 8 are high-grown and 1 is low-grown), rubber, timber, and a number of diversified agricultural crops, backed by international quality standards such as HACCP, ISO:22000:2005, and SGS Product Certification. Horana Plantations produce more than 2.55 million kilograms of Premium Ceylon tea annually from 9 factories with the help of 4,895 associates.